Donkey and the carrot
I am finally an engineer. Four years of hard (read : hardly any) work have finally got me my degree. I'm not excited.
What I am excited about is my first job. My workplace is awesome, the people are great and you see good work happening around you.
All this put aside, there is something I've always felt. When I was in class X, everyone told me - Manas, do well in your boards and life will be a cakewalk.
I did well in my class X boards.
When I was in classes XI and XII, I was told that getting through a great Engineering Institute would secure my future.
I did.
In college, I was told that be in the first 5 in your class, and everything will be fine.
I did.
In my senior year, I was told that getting a great job would really settle my life.
I did.
Now I'm being told to make sure I perform well at the job as that will make sure that I have a successful career. Another set of people tells me to plan for my higher studies to ensure a great life.
Then I guess it will be about getting a good wife and then being happy in my marriage and then ensuring everything goes well for my kids.
When does it stop?